Sunday, December 12, 2010

LooK, Who'S BacK...!!!!!!! :P

Hello friends,
Actually it has been more of a hibernation period for me that I am back from.
A far too many things deterred me from posting(sorry it s so very rude of me,fact is,that didn't get a real,genuine inspiration to pen down something )
Call it "pursuit of destiny" or "securing your future" approach,It did keep me pretty busy(to my utter surprise neither of these approaches worked...hehehe)....!!!!
Well..Past few months have been the most beautiful time I have ever had in my life.. :)
It was a blend of couple of local outings with friends,a very gud time with someones whom i cared about,examinations n several things...!!!
Will of course post some of those gr8 experiences,till then have a gr8 time buddies...!!!!!
Catch yu all later...!!!!!!


  1. ya ofcourse we ppl r waiting to read that gr8 experiences..and someone has already said , 'learn frm the experiences of others..'...
    so hope they wl b here very that we wl learn frm it... :)

  2. heyyy...thnxx a ton....i dunno how far will those incidents take yu..yeah,bt were interesting...!!!!!!!!
