Thnxxxxxx MUM......
Today I juz want yu to know dat i am very much fortunate to have yu mum...I LOVE YOU.....!!!!!!!(I can surely say this is wat we call LOVE!!!!!!!)
Today morning i began receiving some other than normal messages
that were for the first time not adressed to me,but you MUM....they want you to know that they are very thankful to you cuz' yu've given them this crazy,stupid,stubborn,helpful person as their friend...
i still remember MUM,back down wen i was younger,you taught me how to be strong...your hand-made,delicious food....awwwww...i miss dat MUM.....
I can hardly fuhget the thing wen i didn't turn up at home for almost 12 hours...cuz' playing kept me so very engrossed n you came chasing down at me with a long stick in the hand..(i miss dat too MUM!!!!!!!)
I still remember,yu almost fainted wen I did fall in a tank full of water back wen I was 5....(somehow I escaped death,your luv snatched me back MUM.....!!!!!!)
For all the stubborness in me you had the heart to bear it....Today,watever I am, no doubt is all because of you....!!!!!!(i am falling short of words MUM...!!!!!)
And Mum whatever i'll do to pay your debt,will be a mere tiny speck in d ocean of love dat yu've provided me....!!!!
I LOVE YOU...!!!!!!!!