Hello friends.....Like always,so many things kept me busy...or may be it was too lazy of me to post about...Anyways,My Final year exam was one of it..!!!!!!
Yeah,m done with my exams(were good though...)
The moment i wrote my last word on the answer sheet and that last full stop made my heart breathe a sigh of relief....."Now,no more, 3 hours exam to stress out the mind like hell", said it happily.....
But seriously speaking,The inner Shail's heart doesn't want it to get over....From now on no classes(that v hardly attented...),no canteen timepass...nothing...!!!!! its over...!!!!("Only for the good",explains and consoles 'my heart'....)
The joyous feeling of end of Engg is far more lesser than parting with the college and friends...needless to say, i would miss everyone...
And after the project thing is over, everyone would step into the newer world,on the path towards their career...
The change is ought to come for the revolution to happen....Something that would transform the life into an entirely different thing...!!!!!!
Life moves on and so do we....!!!!!!!
The thing is that these four years have bestowed me, millions of memories to cherish for my life...I feel miraculously lucky to having got those(Sometimes I sit down and wonder what made me so fortunate..!!!!!!!)...An era(14th July 2006 to 13th June 2010.....) comes to an end....
All the best buddies...!!!!!! May each one of you reach the pinnacle and reach your goal one day...!!!!!!!