Hello Buddies !!!
Yu wanna knw as to wat it feels to be in an Independent Nation, then yu might also love to have a look on these following scenarios:
In a progressive country like ours, Electricity theft, still is prevalent in villages —INDEPENDENT INDIA
In a country that boasts LPG gas for cooking, Villagers still prefer ancient Chulhasthereby increasing pollution (thnxxx to Inflation) --INDEPENDENT INDIA
Traffic signals are meant to have a control on conveyance transport, people still don't bother breaking those--INDEPENDENT INDIA
A country that favours Women Empowerment, falls short to safeguard them in real terms. There are some who not only lack proper education but also are treated as mere Pleasure-providing stuff, and everyone acts as if he is deaf and dumb--INDEPENDENT INDIA
“There is absolutely no need to work hard”, is a mentality today Indian Beggar possesses cuz’ he can easily earn his living thru’ begging, on the mercy of fellow Countrymen--INDEPENDENT INDIA
When there are Sulabh Shouchalayas in the Villages, neglecting health hazard, the crowd still prefers going to the open--INDEPENDENT INDIA
Indian Railways—An abode to thousands of homeless nomads today---INDEPENDENT INDIA
Here, the love-birds actually can have a romantic time alongside coast that too not being chased no matter how explicitly they behave--INDEPENDENT INDIA
In a land of Social Reformers, Patriots and Great Ideals, CORRUPTION Triumphs--INDEPENDENT INDIA
Well Friends, I don’t want to be another Back seat driver criticizing others.. Rather, we got far more positive things to focus on.. So all we need to do is stop being a couch potato and react rationally…
Times are testing, times are dark,
Each one of us have got this spark,
Let us return the favour to this Patriots’ Land….
Why not build a Newer Nation,With our Innovating Wand……..