Times those hazy,
Still seem to hallucinate and force him see.
Was she not the one?
Ponders he, for antonym wee.
Still seem to hallucinate and force him see.
Was she not the one?
Ponders he, for antonym wee.
Things reorganized themselves well,
When they were together.
Confused was he to the core,
Thanks to the poor fish trail.
When they were together.
Confused was he to the core,
Thanks to the poor fish trail.
Those moments haunt him now,
He’s left broken.
Wish had not preserved them,
Alas! He’s already shaken.
He’s left broken.
Wish had not preserved them,
Alas! He’s already shaken.

Often misunderstood by many.
They called him a chump,
Cared he least , with all might he could.
Alone in the room, seldom he cried,
Always thought of a silver lining instead.
Forgetting was all he tried,
Regrettably, nostalgia had him fed.
Always thought of a silver lining instead.
Forgetting was all he tried,
Regrettably, nostalgia had him fed.
Every day, now he hopes,
If he could have that half-hug, completed,
The connection, each second he gropes,
Fails him leaving depleted.
Knows he honest-to-God, the jinxed times won’t return,
She was and she will be there, comely.
Friends shall keep pouring,
And atomize the wound-salt, fairly.
(P.S: The above stuff is solely fictional and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental)
[Song of the day : Burning in the skies ~ Linkin Park]If he could have that half-hug, completed,
The connection, each second he gropes,
Fails him leaving depleted.
Knows he honest-to-God, the jinxed times won’t return,
She was and she will be there, comely.
Friends shall keep pouring,
And atomize the wound-salt, fairly.
(P.S: The above stuff is solely fictional and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental)