The innocent victim on the other hand was clueless as to what had dawned on him.
The mere chilling touch of the gunpoint made him shiver and choked his voice to a level where words betrayed him considerably.
The gun-holder, a baldy,5'5'',fair, with a goaty appeared as if he had faced the harsh realities of life earlier in his life and seemed direct decendant of Hiroshima attack striken areas !
"You call me deuce, you face hell tonight.."
"Bbbbuttt, wha......t did I do?", totally perplexed, the victim asked .
"You ask what you do, I tell you", Gun-holder pressed the gunpoint harder at victim's temple.
"Far far at my place, Barua, we live happily,grow our farms, drink river water,pure, divine,until your people step in.Yes, you scumheads destroy our land, screw our women, devastate everything, only for few glittering stones.You made our place hell, I show you what hell feel."
The victim defended,"Ssssir, I deeply regret what my ancestors did, and I feel ashamed to have born in such a family... "
Suddenly then something made him stop.Not listening to anything, the Gun-holder took out a shiny velvetty looking pouch, untied it and poured all the glittering stones he had, Diamonds, on the victim's head and while doing had a devil's laugh. Victim's eyes were terrified with all of this and knew that the gunholder was in no mood to have a candid talk.
""Take these stones, Sonofabitch, i no need them now, you kill my wife, I kill you.", the rustic Gunholder was adamant.
For the last time the victim closed his eyes and remembered his wife, he could smell her enchanting perfume besides himself....he knew this was the end....
"My dear Lord, Forgive me, my sins...",begged the victim.
PAWWWWWWW...and then there was a fire.... the victim was dead.
"Dear Almighty, accept this", prayed the sinner.
The gunholder seemed ecstatic, tears rolled down his cheeks. but he wore a smile too, pointing his gun towards the sky he recited, "And now,my love, this, for you..."
PAWWWWWWW.......In a flick of a second there was another shot...
And then there was a grave silence...........
ReplyDeletei enjoyed and imagined the story:)
Thnxx mate !!!! :)
ReplyDeleteD series starts here !!
few more episodes to kick off soon !!! ;)