Hello friends....College has commenced,but attending lectures as usual is not hot favourite...The main event SYZYGY '10,Annual Social Gathering was innaugurated by our Principal yesterday....Was the reason for double rejoice for all of us being Makar Sankranti too...!!!!!
We had fun and even did some jigs on the "Dhol Tashe" that accompanied us...Respecting the tradition we also flew kites...Many were seen hovering in the sky in no time....The site looked awesome with some paper crackers joining the party...!!!!! Specially thank you friends for making that day so memorable for me...
Next day(today) we were all set to attend the college practicals...Just then this haapened..
Apart from practical education our professors make sure that we do stand tall in the outside harsh world...As they say "Survival of the fittest"..So one of the finest professors in our college,Murugan Sir just narrated us with a story to start with....
He began....Once there was a man who wanted to have his so called "Paaps" to be washed away,went to a rower for a ride in the Holy river Ganga on a small boat..On their way,the man questioned the rower,"Bhaiya(brother) have you read Ramayana???"The man replied," No,Saahib." "Then your life has been a waste",said the man...Questions again,"Okay,what about Mahabharata???"The rower,"Ummm...No Saahib"..."Then I am afraid your life has really been a mess brother",cursed the man....After a while,in the centre of the river the poor rower asks,"Saahib,do you swim??"Man answered,"No,I haven't got any time really..."To this,he replies,"I am sorry Saahib because unfortunately there has been a hole in the boat and to save our lives all that can be done is swim...."
Further Sir added,"Students,you all know what happens next....The main crux here is that you all should stick to the basics...Remember,no matter how talented you are you gotto to be perfect in what you've learnt throughout your engineering,may it be your technical knowledge from the First to Final year or the ethics.."(This was supposed to be a taunt for a person in our batch but nope I am not gonna go in details...)
Seriously buddies Sir taught us a very good lesson as to,"Aiming the sky with our feet grounded...." Very often we tend to forget some vital basic stuff that really matters.....Mere idol worshipping and hardly putting meagre efforts is not gonna be of any help...We gotto believe in ourselves..Only then there is a chance of succeeding in all our endeavours....!!!!!!!!!
What say buddies????????
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