A room,6*8,an iron cot,small table,steel washbasin n a comod throned by a top wch meant his only source of drinking water..
A small ventilator thru' wch he remained in touch wit the outside world...
This was his Abode,PRISON..!!!!!!!!!!
She(jail room) had a thing 4 the prisoner...n everytime he used to go out for freshing up for the day(2 hrs a day),her jealousy rose to newer level...
His scalp was shaven,with a stubble,a loose pyjama n shirt,had a habit of jogging around the prison walls wch kept him confined..
Far away,somewhere,in the countryside,resided his wife,MARGARETTE n daughter GLORIA...
"Her blue eyes must be waiting for me",thought he..
A small house,a farm,eucalyptus trees,a small poultry house,a stable for two,made up his place....
"I wish, I were there Honey",craved he,everytime he saw visitors coming for his jail-mates...
A decade it had been,after he was convicted guilty for the crime he didn't commit..N nw he felt a strong urge to pierce security arena n run...
"Daddy s coming,soon,very soon.."He was determined,had a plan inside his skull..
Next day,for the clean up drill,prisoners wre made to gather at the jail ground."this is it.!!!!!",he was adamant then..
He knew well,he was grabbing straws,who cared..d day had come!!
With emmense strength n agility he managed to corner one f the clening staffs..one hand on his mouth ,another around his chest...taking hs chance he gave a nasty neck jerk to the man,n b4 he cud faint a blow on his ribs made them to crack...
Undressing himself n the man(to get his clothes),rehearsed he,the further action plan..Somehow,covering his face started returning to the sanitation van...
He cud smell his wife's handmade scrambled eggs n village bread,Gloria winking n smiling at him..
As soon as he opened the van door,there stood Sargeant ALEX...It was deliberate,planned..!!!!!
Well,juz to tell,ALEX once asked MARGARETTE out.he loved her..BUT she didn't budge..Now,was the time to prove her what she relli meant to him..So ALEX helped returning her husband ...illegally..Knew,this could cost him his job..But he was blindfolded by LOVE..n "LOVE nevva dies",he always believed.
Without wasting much of the time,he signalled the gate keeper to be back in 10..but he nevva did...!!!!
Then,were they,on the highway...heading towards the place,the prisoner so longed for...
Meanwhile,MARGARETTE n GLORIA,were ready to shift to a newer location,in case her hubbie returns,,instinct made her feel tremendously optimistic...n Intuition didn't relli betray her..!!!!
GLORIA,11,was in extreme frenzy n overjoyed,wen she did hugh her DAD..MARGARETTE couldn't help herself crying....ALEX knew ths was the end..
ALEX,eyes watering his cheeks again,this time had mixed feelings...Jealous for the prisoner n joyous for his LOVE..
Leaving them on their own,he drove back...He did it,finally...
Next day, headline in some newspaper read-
Sargeant ALEX ,aides prisoner escape,surrenders later..Prisoner still on the run..
ONE YEAR LATER,article on page 7 of the same newspaper..
Incredible LOVE
"Judiciary system may be flawed but LOVE always triumphs..!!!!" Alex's last words ever heard since last year...He kept mum on the entire issue before..Even the torturous 3rd degree technique along with some electric shocks cud nt make him utter a word...but cud they have hampered him in some other way?????
It is believed,ALEX 's mental strength is very weak these days...Everytime they shift him to any cell,he continues the same...i.e. Carves "MARGARETTE" all over them with his nails...n yesss,he still speaks nothing..!!!!! INCREDIBLE LOVE...
N.B: If MARGARETTE is reading this newspaper by any chance, we want yu to knw that thru' poll we were able to calculate,70% of the people believe, yu did right thing choosing the prisoner..but there r still 30 % who fall for ALEX"s LOVE... TC MARGARETTE!!!!!!!
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