Metro Station, Santonia… Sazon had camouflaged himself as a
beggar with a blanket and had an intention to chagrin the rascal. Every day he
used to look for the culprit, the one who raped and killed his wife. The hotel
manager had shared a video with him, Daniel often got intimate with the women he brought at hi splace .
One fine evening, the predator met the prey. Daniel mocked over the locket of
tiger’s nail, the oldie had. Sazon could not hear the blabber, his wife’s cold
face, feet and her cold dead hand in his, was all he remembered. Finishing his
soft drink and dumping it in the beggar’s hat, he left the place cursing Sazon.
Completely unaware that Sazon would follow him.

The sword was thirsty for the revenge. “”You Douchebag, She , Suzie,my wife, Barua, remember?!!!
You… Sonofabitch!!!”
And now, Danny knew, he was facing his doom. All the sins he
committed till date flashed in front of him, escaped every single one but to
face his end eventually. The executor then cut Dan’s ears off. Throwing them aside,
he wiped off the blood stains over the sword. Sazon hated his mocking and taunting
eyes, so he removed one of them out of the eye socket. Some kind of liquid
dropped from it,
“You cum on your face now Bastard”
Sazon wanted to end it then.
With all his might, he raised the sword to the sky exclaiming,” To you Honey, Revenge I take, I keep Promise. ”
And then closing his eyes, Sazon stabbed Dan violently and continuously
on his private parts. He crushed the things and made numerous swings till the
blood spilled all over. The execrable
beast had to face his FATE!
He let it all out with a long scream, “Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
Far, far in the Barua meadows, on the 17th, drunk people were rejoicing, they raised toasts to the avenger, “Sazon” in high spirits. That day, the ghost, wife’s scream had vanished which made them believe Suzie was at peace finally. Barua was safe then. Women like Miley were never treated badly. Sazon was a hero!
Sazon never returned Barua ever! The night, on the D day, he cut his wrist and neck with the same sword and preferred dying in pain over the meaningless life without Suzie.